Quick Tow Irrigation Systems

T-L 2 Wheel Quick Tow Center Pivot Point
T-L's Towable Pivot Irrigation System's mobile design mounts the power source, hydraulic pump, and fuel tank on the pivot point enabling towing preparation to maximum efficiency. T-L Towable Pivot Irrigation Systems enjoy the same features as our conventional, hydro statically driven center pivot irrigation systems; continuous movement, reliability, low maintenance, simplicity, and safety. All things considered, the choice is simple, T-L.

T-L 4 Wheel Quick Tow Center Pivot Point
For longer towable center pivot designs the T-L 4 wheel quick tow option offers unmatched stability, with the fastest towing and the least amount of labor in the industry. "It's as Different As Day And Night Where The T-L's Water Stops And Dryland Begins." Read Harry Wimberly's Story Why He Likes His T-L's: Safety, Dependability, And Ease Of Maintenance. Read Kenny Roger's StoryWagner Irrigation
611 3rd Ave
Holdrege, NE 68949
Phone: (308)995-8001