Hot Shot

- 1Single Sensor Transmitter Model 810-T
- Single sensor unit - connects directly to pivot's well control relay (dry contact).
- 120 VAC or 12 VDC operation.
- Redundant Signalling.
- Large battery backup for power failure.
- Top mounted 39 in. antenna included.
- Supervised signal indicater.
- Control last pivot standing.
- Controls multiple pumps at the same time or each pivot can control selected groups of pumps.
- No computer needed to program.
- 24 Sensor Transmitter Model 810-T PLUS
- 4 seperate descrete connections.
- Each sensor when closed, will activate 4 seperate relays at the receiver if using a plus model receiver.
- 120vac or 12vdc operation.
- Advanced lightning protection.
- No computer needed for programing.
- Antenna and internal battery backup included
- 3Transceiver Model 810-TRANSCEIVER
- Transmitter and Receiver unit in one cabinet.
- 3 Sensor input on the transmitter section, 3 relay outputs on the receiver section.
- 120VDC or 12VDC operation
- 240 v. relays @ 10 amps
- 4One Relay Receiver Model 810-R
- Single relay for well pump.
- Compatable with any type-version transmitter.
- Supervision indicater.
- Failsafe feature shuts down pump if communications is lost.
- Nema 4X weatherproof cabinet.
- 39 in. antenna included.
- 56 Relay Receiver Model 810-R Plus
- 6 Relay outputs.
- Advanced lightning protection.
- 120 VAC or 12 VDC operation.
- Easy dip switch programable.
- Solar option available.
Wagner Irrigation
611 3rd Ave
Holdrege, NE 68949
Phone: (308)995-8001